Three wok-mushroom transduced sonic objects inspired by David Tudor's Rain Forest
constructed for the Cellphonia: Wave Farm concert
Cellphonia: Wave Farm is about "Big Ag versus Bees" and you can listen at to hear the current ephemeral server version of this sound compost.
This is the end of my artist residency at
Wave Farm Transmission Arts culminating in a live radio concert of Cellphonia: Wave Farm performed with five colleague musicians joining me and broadcasting on station
WGXC Saturday, June 14, 2014 4-6pm, streaming available.
Before the concert, starting NOW, it would be ideal if esteemed and not-so-esteemed, vocal and guttural individuals were to telephone
518-512-0518 and when prompted "buzzzz" like a bee (3 seconds) and then name/chant a vegetable or fruit (3 seconds).
And if the spirits move you in the same call "press 2" and you can leave a longer message about your thoughts on any of the following: global warming, organic farming, list all your favorite vegetables, list all the veggies you hate, gardening tips, GMOs-yes-or-no or any reflections on the state of the world at the moment.
The radio concert version of Cellphonia: Wave Farm has three movements: 1. The relentless march onward of Big Ag including GMOs with angry bees, 2. The failure of technology to solve all problems by simply increasing productivity ending in super storms and chaos. 3. The annual return of spring, pleased bees, gardening tips shared and more sustainable agricultural practice.
Thank you
Galen Joseph-Hunter and Tom Roe.