Wunderground.com provides some useful weather maps. Note the approach of the Tornado Vortex Signature of the storm that is overhead now in Greenport NY. The URL that also includes the notation of lightning strikes is http://www.wunderground.com/radar/radblast.asp?zoommode=zoom&num=6&delay=15&scale=0.750&noclutter=0&ID=OKX&type=N0R&lat=41.07141495&lon=-72.35475159&label=Shelter%20Island%20Heights,%20NY&showstorms=10&map.x=366.5&map.y=230¢erx=402¢ery=226&lightning=1&smooth0&showlabels=1&rainsnow=0
= Tornado Vortex Signature : = Hail
This was an animated .gif so try the URL for the full effect.